Why Should You Look into Ticket to Work?

You just started receiving disability benefits! That’s a VERY good question!  Why should you even think about entering a program that is designed to help you get off the very benefits you just started receiving?  Here are some answers to that question and why Ticket...

Learning to Work for All

Years ago, we had a woman come into our office to announce she had chosen Mission Possible Employment Services to work with her autistic son. I explained that we did not know much about autism, to which she replied, “learn!” I loved her audacity and enthusiasm. She...

COVID, Medicaid and Unemployment

As a result of the 2020 COVID pandemic, Congress signed into law by President Donald Trump the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES) and the Families First Coronavirus Response Act. Several questions have come up of how the additional income from...

Getting To Know MPAS

Mission Possible Administrative Services (MPAS) is a new LLC formed by the owner of Mission Possible Employment Services (MPES) and has been established to operate as an Administrative Employment Network (AEN). MPES was established in 1998 to provide services to help...


Welcome to the new website for Mission Possible Employment Services, Inc. We have three parts of our company. We began as an employment agency in 1992, contracting with vocational rehabilitation agencies in multiple states. We worked with County, Veterans, Mental...