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Setting goals helps you prepare for your future by having an idea, that becomes a plan, and turns into a commitment to attain. When you set goals, it’s important that they are SMART goals. Setting SMART goals helps provide focus and guides you to the path of success.

SMART goals are specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and time bound. Goals that are specific are clearly defined. For your goal to be measurable it should include exact amounts and dates. Making sure you can accomplish your goals makes it attainable. Your goals need to be realistic and based on fact not hope, you don’t want to set your goal so high you can’t achieve them. A goal that is time-bound will include deadlines to reach your goals.

Goal setting keeps you determined and accountable, reminds you of steps to reach success, helps you identify and celebrate achievements, and allows for review and revision of efforts. An example of a SMART goal is:
“ To find work, I will contact at least 5 employers each week, apply for at least 2 open positions, and follow up with my EN counselor every month.”
This goal is:

  • Specific – includes actions to make progress
  • Measurable – one action to advance in the goal
  • Achievable – reasonable steps to help you achieve overall goal
  • Relevant – related to goal of finding work
  • Time-bound – accomplish within set period of time

Reviewing and revising your goals as you work to achieve them will allow you to evaluate how effective your plan is and make sure you’re following the action steps. Additionally, you’ll be able to consider taking additional actions like seeking training opportunities, volunteer work, networking and working with a mentor.

When working with an Employment Network your counselor will be there to discuss employment goals, previous experience, and needed supports and services. Building short- and long-term work and earnings goals. Discussing recent work and earnings history, and benefits counseling to direct how earning income will affect your benefits. Counselors will also assess the potential need for education, training or certifications and any accommodations for you to succeed.

  • What are my career goals?
  • Are my goals SMART?
  • What are the next steps to achieve my goals?
  • Who can help me achieve my goals?

As you start to think about work, consider these questions, and contact us, 877-214-2983, at Mission Possible for help with setting and achieving goals.

~ Stella

*This information was shared in a WISE On Demand webinar Ticket to Work shared recently, check it out here for all the details: