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People often ask what the Ticket to Work Program is about and what it can do for them. In this week’s blog we are going to explore the Trial Work Period of the program and showcase some of the awesome benefits and incentives available to Social Security Disability Beneficiaries.

  • If you receive Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI), you have the opportunity to try going back to work WITHOUT jeopardizing your benefits! You can work and receive your full SSDI cash benefits for 9 months.  This is ideal for those who are considering re-entry into the workforce while you decide whether working long-term is right for you. Why?  Because during the Trial Work Period, you can work and earn as much as you want while still receiving your full monthly cash SSDI benefits.  You have time to test your stamina and the effect of working on your disability without the risk of losing your cash benefits.


  • Every SSDI beneficiary is granted one Trial Work Period to explore their ability to work. The Trial Work Period (TWP) consists of 9 months when you can keep your disability cash benefits while receiving the income from working.


  • These 9 months do not have to be consecutive. For some Ticket Holders finding the right job for them that will accommodate their disability can be an “on and off” situation.  Those whose previous training and job experience are not transferrable to a new position and job opportunity, will find that they can try a job for several months to see if it’s a good fit for them. If that job proves to not a good fit for them they have the freedom to try another employer or another field entirely.
    • When working in the Trial Work Period, you achieve one month for each month you have earnings that are at or above “Trial Work Level Earnings”. Currently TWL earnings are $940 (gross earnings) per month. This will likely change with the new year and the increase of the cost of living. Beginning January 1, 2022, Trial Work Level earnings will be $970 (gross).

  • Milestones—The Trial Work Period consists of four milestones:
    • One month of Trial Work Level earnings ($940) = Milestone #1
    • Three months of Trial Work Level earnings within 6 months = Milestone #2
    • Six months of Trial Work Level earnings within 12 months = Milestone #3
    • Nine months of Trial Work Level earnings within 18 months = Milestone #4

If you are interested in the Ticket to Work Program and benefiting from your own Trial Work Period, please contact us! www.mpes.net  866-687-1842.

‘Till next time,
