jQuery(function($){ $('.logo_container a').attr('href','https://mpes.net/contact/'); });

After several years of being encouraged to become an Administrative Employment Network (AEN), Mission Possible decided it was time to start another branch of the company, and Mission Possible Administrative Services (MPAS) was formed. As an AEN we can work with more clients and help them in the Ticket to Work (TTW) program by working through partners. Our partners are agencies who are interested in offering TTW to beneficiaries but are not an Employment Network (EN) or are an EN that needs assistance in offering TTW services and supports. The Social Security Administration (SSA) requires any agency interested in offering TTW to be either an EN or Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) agency. Becoming an AEN enables agencies that are not EN’s or VR’s to offer the TTW program to beneficiaries. As an AEN MPAS acts as the EN of record to assist, support and train partners so we can help as many clients as possible. We are currently working with multiple agencies in starting their TTW programs to help more beneficiaries gain financial independence.

In order to partner with agencies, we agree on a contract of services, process required SSA paperwork, train the partner contacts and then services can be offered to beneficiaries interested in TTW. The contract of services includes defining the roles and responsibilities for MPAS and the partnering agency to ensure clients are receiving the necessary supports and services to be successful in the TTW program. SSA requires signed agreements, background checks and training for all partners so TTW standards are met. Once the requirements are met, the partners can begin offering TTW to beneficiaries that are interested.

Advantages to offering TTW to beneficiaries as a partner agency include protections, safety nets and hands-on assistance for those wanting to begin working. One protection that is especially important to beneficiaries is the Medical Continuing Disability Reviews will not take place if they have an active ticket in the TTW program. Additionally, there are safety nets during the three phases of the program to ensure the transition to work. The safety nets include cash and medical benefits continuing based on the amount of work and ability to utilize exclusions, deductions and work incentives based on disability accommodations. Partners offer hands-on assistance to Ticket Holders that include benefits planning, career planning, job search, and ongoing employment supports. We assist the partners by working on the administrative tasks required by the SSA.

The ultimate goal of the TTW program is to assist Ticket Holders in becoming financially independent. When Ticket Holders have a desire to gain employment, stay employed, and reduce independence on social security cash and medical benefits they can be successful in the TTW program. TTW is all about being able to test the beneficiary’s ability to work and provide resources for success. As an AEN we are able to work with more agencies to provide assistance to a greater number of beneficiaries. When Ticket Holders succeed, we succeed too and accomplish the Mission!

~ Stella