Frequently Asked Questions

Disability Representation
Do I have to be denied three times before I can retain a representative or lawyer?
Absolutely not. Mission Possible often wins at the initial application level and has won many cases at the reconsideration level. 95% of our cases are won at the Administration Law Judge Hearing.
What is the difference between Social Security and Social Security Disability?
Social Security has two programs with similar names but are quite different. Social Security Disability is an insurance you with premiums deducted from each pay check. Social Security normally is paid out at retirement age, but can be started prior to retirement age if a worker who is current and vested becomes disabled.
The second program: Social Security (SSI) is based on financial need.
The representatives from Mission Possible are able to explain the programs and difference to you.
How does Mission Possible get paid?
Mission Possible gets paid if they assist you in winning your case. The payment is based on the amount of back pay you receive. Social Security sets the rules and amounts for payments.
What kind of illness or injury does it take to get Social Security Disability?
Age, education and work history are factors in each case. All cases are decided on an individual basis.
How does it benefit me to have a Mission Possible representative handle my Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) application/case?
SSDI applications have specific rules. Approval or denial often depends on the wording and documentation being submitted according to the guidelines. It is easy to make a simple mistake that results in a denial. Our professionals have over ten years of success dealing with Social Security. We know how to put the application together so that you have a high probability of approval.
How does a Mission Possible representative help you?
Mission Possible partners with you and completes all the paperwork necessary for your case. We work directly with Social Security and keep you informed of the progress of your case. Many clients come to us after their first or second application has been denied. Most exclaim “Why didn’t I call you in the first place?”
What part do you play in the process?
You will need to help us understand your disability and the functional limitations it creates in your life. You will need to help us put together all medical and employment records and attend phone conferences or meetings with Social Security representatives.
Will you be with me at my hearing?
Yes, we will work your case from the initial application through the Administrative Law Judge Hearing.
How long does the process take?
Cases have been determined in as little as three weeks, but the norm for the initial application is based on the number of cases Social Security has backlogged. At the present time, a four to six month wait is standard. Cases that are appealed and decided by the Law Judge often require at least one year past the reconsideration decision.
What happens if my case is not initially approved?
We submit paperwork for the next step and continue to work your case towards approval. When you are finally approved, Social Security will send you a check that will include all of the money you would have received since the date determined to be the onset of your disability as determined by the Social Security Administration.
What can I do if I’ve already been denied?
We review your case and determine how to best proceed. No two cases are exactly alike.
Will I receive funds for my children?
It is possible to receive funds for your minor children who are living with you.
What is the difference between an attorney and a non-attorney representative?
None, in term of fees and service performed. Since SSDI representation is all we do, Mission Possible is not distracted and strives to provide speedy and professional service. The financial stability of our clients is our goal and we have many references available upon request.
Does Mission Possible work with children?
On occasion we take on child cases. However, if we feel our expertise is not sufficient, we help find a representative who specializes in child cases.
Who does Mission Possible take on as clients?
Mission Possible works with people from age 18 to 66 who are not able to work due to their medical and/or psychological conditions. Medical documentation is required for cases to be approved.
Ticket to Work
What is the Ticket to Work Program?
The Ticket to Work Program provides those receiving Social Security disability benefits more choices for receiving employment services through Employment Networks (EN). EN’s will coordinate and provide appropriate services to help the beneficiary find and maintain employment.
What is the goal of the Ticket Program?
The goal of the Ticket Program is to help people on Social Security benefits reduce their need for benefits through self-sufficiency and getting back to work.
How does the Ticket Program help people receiving disability benefits go to work?
People with disabilities receiving benefits from SSA can use the Ticket issued to them by SSA to obtain services and supports to assist them in preparing for work and entering and maintaining employment.
Do I have to participate in the Ticket Program?
No. The goal of the Ticket to Work Program is to help people receiving Social Security disability benefits obtain employment and work toward greater independence and increased self-sufficiency.
Do I need to pay anything to participate in the Ticket Program?
No. The Ticket Program is free (and voluntary) for people receiving Social Security disability benefits. The Ticket Program allows you to receive vocational services and supports at no cost to you to help you obtain employment and work towards greater independence and increased self-sufficiency.
Will I lose my Medicare eligibility if I participate in the Ticket Program?
No. As long as you continue to receive Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) benefit payments, you will continue to remain eligible for the same medical coverage.
Will I lose my Medicaid Coverage if I participate in the Ticket Program?
No. As long as you continue to receive Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits, you will continue to remain eligible for the same medical coverage.
What happens if my benefits stop due to my earnings and then I can no longer work due to my disability? Will I need to file a brand new application for benefits?
No. If your benefits ended because you worked and had earnings, you can request that your benefits start again without having to complete a new application. While the Social Security Administration (SSA) determines whether you can get benefits again, Social Security can give you provisional (temporary) benefits for up to 6 months.
Can I use a Ticket to become self-employed or start my own business?
Yes, a Ticket can be used to obtain services and supports to help you become self-employed or start your own business.
Is there someone who can help me with benefits counseling and understanding my options?
Yes! WIPA or CWIC provide free benefits counseling to Social Security disability beneficiaries to help them make informed choices about work.
Administrative Employment Network
What is an Administrative Employment Network (AEN)?
An AEN is an association of providers organized under an EN of Record to combine resources to function as a single EN to provide appropriate employment, vocational rehabilitation, or support services to beneficiaries with disabilities.
What are the advantages to working with an AEN?
Advantages to working with an AEN are that administrative services can be streamlined to create cost efficiencies, multiple providers can expand the scope of services offered, and AENs serve as the EN of record allowing non-ENs to provide TTW to beneficiaries.
Can a partner affiliate with MPAS receive payment?
Yes, we are willing to discuss how this will profit your business and add an additional income stream.
Partnership Plus
What is Partnership Plus?
Partnership Plus allows State VR agencies to partner with ENs to provide ongoing supports in the Ticket Program. This arrangement gives Ticket program participants continued access to individualized employment services, if needed.
When can I begin working with an EN if State VR closes my case?
After State VR services have ended, you can assign your Ticket to an EN of your choice to receive additional employment services.
What is the goal of Partnership Plus?
The goal of Partnership Plus is to support beneficiaries in each step to self-sufficiency. A VR will help prepare for and find employment and an EN will help you stay employed.
Why should I consider working with an EN after VR closes my case?
Assigning your Ticket to an EN after your State VR agency closes your case is voluntary, and it extends the medical CDR protections of the Ticket program.
Does Mission Possible have any Partnership Plus agreements?
Yes. We currently have agreements with Alaska and Idaho and are working with other states to be able to help as many beneficiaries as possible.